Fayetteville Technical Community College
Associate Degree Nursing Program

Constitution and By-Laws of the
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Association of Nursing Students

Article I. - Name

The name of this organization shall be the Association of Nursing Students of Fayetteville Technical Community
College Associate Degree Nursing Program.

Article II. - Purpose and Function

The purpose of this organization shall be to assist the school in its aim to develop the nursing student
physically, mentally, and spiritually as she or he grows toward graduate status: (1) by providing an opportunity
to participate in self-government as a means of learning to live in a democratic society, (2) by helping to promote
and maintain high educational and professional standards, (3) by providing opportunity for developing self-
expression, (4) by stimulating the highest honor in pursuit of his or her education and personal conduct, (5) by
promoting understanding of professional goals, (6) by promoting rapport between students, faculty, and the
community, (7) and by offering participation in special projects related to a nursing career.

Article III. - Members

Section 1.All students upon acceptance to Fayetteville Technical Community
College's Associate Degree Nursing Program may participate in this

Section 2.Pre-nursing students enrolled in programs designed for entrance into the Fayetteville
Technical Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program shall be allowed membership with all voting
rights and privileges, but shall not be allowed to hold the office of President of Vice-President.

Section 3.All students, upon membership, shall have the right to vote on all matters concerning this

Section 4.Membership in the Association of Nursing Students of Fayetteville Technical Community
College's Associate Degree Nursing Program is automatically discontinued upon withdrawal, resignation or

Article IV. - Officers and Directors

Section 1.The executive board of this organization shall be composed of a President, Vice-President,
Secretary, and Treasurer. The general board of this organization shall be composed of Fundraiser, Community
Health Chairperson, Historian, Breakthrough to Nursing Chairperson, Faculty Advisor, and two executive
consultants from the previous years executive board.

Section 2.The term of office shall be one year.

Section 3.The President shall be elected from the rising second-year members. The President shall
preside over all meetings. The President shall set up an agenda and confer with the advisor and Executive Board
the week before the meeting. The President shall appoint special committees as they are needed. The President
must have a 2.5 or above GPA in ADN related courses.

Section 4.The Vice-President shall be elected from the rising second-year members. The Vice-President
shall preside at regular and special meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall appoint a
Program Committee to engage speakers for monthly meetings.

Section 5.The Secretary shall be elected from either 1) the rising second-year members or 2) the pre-
nursing members. The Secretary shall keep an up-to-date roll. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the
meetings and shall keep the minutes of the meetings and shall submit them to the President, and Advisor(s). The
Secretary shall report all meetings to the North Carolina Association of Nursing Students (NCANS). The
Secretary shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in the Treasurer's absence.

Section 6.The Treasurer shall be elected from either 1) the rising second-year members or 2) the pre-
nursing members. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all finances and shall keep careful record of the same.
The Treasurer shall receive dues and issue checks for disbursement of obligations. The Treasurer shall assume
the duties of the Secretary in the Secretary's absence. The Treasurer shall give a detailed financial report
monthly. A report will be submitted quarterly to the Advisor and Student Activities Director for audit.

Section 7.The Fundraiser shall be elected from either 1) the rising second-year members or 2) the pre-
nursing members. The Fundraiser is responsible for generating monies for the purpose of covering projected
ANS expenses for the upcoming fiscal year. The Fundraiser will appoint committees to organize, promote and
implement fundraising activities.

Section 8.The Community Health Chairperson shall be elected form either 1) the rising second-year
members or 2) the pre-nursing members. The Community Health Chairperson is responsible for generating
monies for the NCANS selected Community Health Project. The Community Health Chairperson will appoint a
committee(s) to organize, promote, and implement fundraising activities.

Section 9.The Historian shall be elected from either 1) the rising second-year members or 2) the pre-
nursing members. The Historian is responsible for maintaining a photographic and written record of ANS
activities and acting as a local liaison to the Hypodermic Editor.

Section 10.The Breakthrough to Nursing (BTN) Chairperson shall be elected from either 1) the rising
second-year members or 2) the pre-nursing members. The BTN Chairperson shall serve as a local recruitment
and retention coordinator and act as a liaison to the NCANS BTN Program.

Section 11.The Executive Consultants (2) shall be elected from the previous Executive Board. If other
executive board members are not appointed the President and the Vice President must assume the roles of
Executive Consultants.

Article V. - Election and Removal of Officers

Section 1.Candidates for office shall be selected by nomination from the floor by any member in good
standing each December.

Section 2.Officers shall be elected from both rising second-year members and pre-nursing members with
elections to be held each January.

Section 3.Elections shall be by secret ballot. A majority vote is necessary for election. In case of a tie a
run-off will decide the vote.

Section 4.Removal of Officers: If an officer is unworthy or unable to hold office, a petition may be
circulated by any member or members in good standing to obtain the signatures of not less than half of the
current membership endorsing the removal of said officer. The petition may then be presented at the next regular
meeting and a motion be made for impeachment. Two-thirds of those members present shall constitute a quorum.
No officer will be removed from office without being provided with a reasonable opportunity to speak in her or
his own behalf prior to placing of any motion before the membership.

Section 5.Resignation of Officers:

a. If the President resigns and her or his resignation is accepted, the Vice-
President shall become President and a new Vice-President shall be
elected from the second-year members.

b.In any other officer resigns and her or his resignation is accepted, the
new officer shall be elected from the second-year members.

Article VI. - Meetings

Section 1.Student meetings shall be held the first Monday of each month at the posted time.

Section 2.Special meetings shall be called as needed.

Section 3.All officers are required to be present at all meetings. Failure to attend three meetings shall be
considered sufficient grounds for removal from office.

Section 4.The order of the meetings shall be as follows:

a. Call to order by the President.
b. Reading of the previous meetings minutes by the Secretary.
c. Officers' reports.
d. Report of special committees.
e. Correspondence.
f. Old business.
g. New business.
h. Program.
i. Motion to adjourn.

Section 5.Delegates: representatives for state conference. The Fayetteville Technical Community
College Association of Nursing Students shall be entitled the number of delegates specified by NCANS and
calculated based on membership as of eight weeks prior to the NCANS annual convention. Delegates and
alternates shall be members in good standing, and shall be selected by members of the school chapter at a
general membership meeting.

Article VII. - Dues

Section 1.Dues are payable yearly through the National Student Nurses' Association.

Section 2.Students are eligible for membership in Fayetteville Technical Community College's
Association of Nursing Students, the North Carolina Association of Nursing Students and the National Student
Nurses' Association on payment of dues. Expiration date is indicated on membership card.

Article VIII. - Committees

Section 1.Special Committees: The President shall appoint or seek chairpersons for service on special
committees as they are required, to fulfill specific purposes. The chairpersons, as authorized by the president,
shall select those members to serve on his or her committee. The committee shall automatically be dissolved
when its purpose is fulfilled.

Section 2.Each committee shall consist of a chairperson and as many co-workers as deemed necessary
by the chairperson and the president.

Section 3.Committees will consist of membership from all levels.

Article IX. - Advisors

The Function of the advisor of the Association shall be to:

a. Guide students in choices consistent with philosophy and objectives of
the school.

b.Advise in matters of parliamentary procedure.

c. Act as liaison between the Association of Nursing Students and the
faculty or administration of Fayetteville Technical Community

Article X. - Parliamentary Authority

All meetings of this Association shall be conducted according to parliamentary law as set forth in
Robert's Rules of Order Revised where they apply and are not in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article XI. - Amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws

Section 1.Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be submitted to the President who shall
present it to the Executive Board.

Section 2.If approved by the Board, it shall be brought before the Association whereupon a majority
vote will be sufficient for its adoption. If unapproved by the Board, it may be brought before the Association for
consideration; but a two-thirds vote of those present shall be necessary for adoption.

Article XII. - Quorum

Section 1.A quorum at meetings of the Executive Board shall consist of six officers and a faculty advisor.
The Executive Board shall meet the week prior to the monthly meeting. The President and Advisor of the
Association shall determine the date and time

Section 2.One-half of the membership and two-thirds of the officers shall constitute a quorum at a regular

January 9, 1978
Revised August 10, 1987
Revised August 18, 1990
Revised January 12, 1997
Revised August 15, 2001

NOTE: These By-Laws have not been
adopted as of yet. Please read carefully
to insure accuracy, as the By-Laws will
be the first order of business. And must
be adopted prior to State & National