Why Join ANS?
1. ANS isn't as good as it could be without you!!! (corny but true)

2. It looks great on your resume.
(What DID you do in school? Are you the type of person that works/plays well with others?
What leadership abilities have you developed?) What you do now throughout your College
CAREER demonstrates what you will do in the future, and how dedicated you will be to the
accomplishment of your career goals.

3. It helps your community and neighbors.
(We do volunteer work for Better Health, Adopt-A-Street, American Cancer Society, Veterans
Administration Hospital, etc.) By volunteering we not only help our community but ALL

4. IT'S FUN!!!

5. It's A way to network with your community and future places of employment. (Do you really
know what your options are when you graduate? Do you know what hospitals offer the best
benefits? Do you know what field you really want to be in? We have some wonderful
opportunities through ANS not only at the local level but also at the State and National Level to
have all of your career and future education questions answered--- The doors are WIDE OPEN
it's up to You to step on in)

6. TIME INVOLVEMENT IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!!! ( You get out of it what you
put into it ---- If you just want it on your resume, and nothing else, then join and put it on your
resume.... no obligation necessary .... a pushy member will not show up at your door and make
you do things you do not want to do. On the other hand If you want to be involved with what is
going on in ANS, The Nursing Field, The Community and FTCC then pick YOUR OWN
LEVEL OF INVOLVMENT and just have fun with it).

7. We need your Experience!!! (It's amazing the special abilities you never thought the person
that sits right next to you in class has... some people have truely floored me with their talent and
knowledge, not meaning to sound too "Female" but it has had it's emotional high points to see
these abilities come out.)

8. A way to make lasting Friendships. (I think the Beatles said it all when they sang "I Get By
With A Little Help From My Friends." Sometimes the best family you have are friends and you
never know when or where it is that you will meet those friends).

9. SAVE MONEY!!! (With your membership to ANS you will save over $200 in the first three
years of dues to NCNA "North Carolina Nurses Association" after you graduate. The NSNA
also has partners that offer discounts to members as well, visit www.nsna.org).

10. Attitude and Determination is Everything & What you put into Today Influences your
Tomorrow.... So Join ANS.